2011年2月1日 星期二

OnBux 介紹,註冊流程、免費的賺大錢策略

 (阿材推薦) 每日花2分鐘上OnBux click廣告賺美元,真實、零風險、零投資
在閱讀以下文章前,請先看看以下圖片,它們是我登記成為OnBux會員後,在OnBuxclick廣告賺美元的出糧証明。它們証明上OnBux click廣告賺錢是真的。
Onbux 1 次出糧_USD$ 2.12_2010-12-04
Onbux 2 次出糧_USD$ 10.18_2011-01-04
Onbux 3 次出糧_USD$ 21.88_2011-01-15
如果厭我賺的錢少,不感興趣,請看看會員Hulk的巨額出糧video (USD$ 2000):
OnBux全世界公認的真實Paid To Click (PTC) 網站。它讓世界各地的人賺更多的錢而不用花一分錢。每天花2分鐘在OnBuxclick廣告,持之而恆,繼而賺大錢的會員遍佈全世界。如果您還不是OnBux的會員,請盡快註冊,以免錯過Onbux給你每日賺錢的機會。(OnBux是全世界公認的真實PTC網站,而網絡中有很多像 OnBux的虛假網站,請小心!)

1.       怎樣註冊成為OnBux會員
2.       免費的賺大錢策略

1.           怎樣註冊成為OnBux會員


其現金流程是:Onbux $ > PayPal $ > 自已的銀行戶口 $

click註冊 > click 「個人」 中的「立即開始」,開始填表格註冊,請註意一定要填真實的個人資料,因為往後你在PayPal帳戶中登記自已銀行戶口時,如果資料不一致,不能登記你的銀行戶口,到時有錢都收不到,真係喊都無謂。

註冊完PayPal帳戶後, click 以下連結到 OnBux
(在網址尾的 retepchow 是我的OnBux username,即代表我推薦你到 OnBux,如果你註冊成為 OnBux會員後,我會在我的 OnBux 帳戶看到你的 OnBux username。所以你註冊完OnBux後,請電郵retepchow@gmail.com回覆我你的OnBux username,讓我知道你已成為經我推薦的OnBux會員,我往後會與你分享我Onbux更快賺錢心得或解答你對OnBux的問題。)


點擊頁面上方的 Register,出現以下表格,請一定要填真實資料!

username :
Passward :
Confirm passward :
Pin : 4-8
位數字 (提款出糧時用! 請緊記!)
Primary Email :
AlertPay/Paypal Email :
Referrer :
切勿改動 (預設為
retepchow, 如果不過這個, 請複制retepchow貼上)
Birth Year :
Verification Code :

這時會出現以下頁面,要求Email中的確認碼,(用新視窗!)到你的電郵信箱檢查, 有一封由Onbux寄出的信, 請把第4行的一行字母複制去剛才的視窗
Verification Code :

2.           免費的賺大錢策略

OnBuxclick一個廣告,你可收到 USD$ 0.01。這真的很少錢,但根據以下策略,持之以恆,終有一日你也能像上述 video的會員的巨額出糧。

1. 盡快開始
2. 持之以恆
3. 耐性

①.       Click all available ads everyday. There are 4 ads to click daily but sometimes, there’s an available ad to click.
如果不知道如何click廣告,請參考連結: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9HIuWkujJY
其實廣告出現時,不用真的觀看它,你可以繼續在電腦做自已的事情,稍後再 click英文字母

②.       Invite your loved ones, friends, classmates to join OnBux using your referral link. Referral link can be seen at your account.

③.       When your main balance reached $1.00, rent 3 referral pack. It cost $0.75. The remaining balance will be used for recycling purposes.

④.       Continue to click ads daily. Remember that if you didn’t click this day, your referrals’ click won’t be credited to your balance the next day.

⑤.       Recycle inactive rented referrals. When a referral don’t click for 4 consecutive days, recycle it right away. But if that referral was averaging 1.6 clicks for the past 10 days, give him 5 or 6 days before recycling him.

⑥.       At this time, do not turn on your AutoPay. It is important to generate more earnings this time.

⑦.       Extend each referral for 30 days if you have enough funds.

⑧.       This time is the right time to turn on your AutoPay.

⑨.       Rent 3 referral pack again when you reach $1.00 in your main balance. Repeat the recycling strategy and then extend those referrals for 30 days when you have enough funds.

⑩.       Now you have six rented referrals.

⑪.       You can rent bigger referral packs if you have enough funds but be sure that you have remaining balance for recycling your referrals. Remember, renting too much referrals with no sustaining balance for recycling is just a waste of money, time and effort.

⑫.       Repeat the renting, extending and recycling process until you reach 300 referrals.

⑬.       When you reached 300 RR’s, stop renting referrals. Focused on recycling and extending referrals and wait to reach 80 dollars on your main balance. It is easy to reach that amount if you have 300 RR’s.

⑭.       Buy Golden Upgrade and start to double your earnings and avail cheaper rented referral prices.

⑮.       You can choose to increase your RR’s to thousands and buy ULTIMATE UPGRADE or you can increase RR’s and withdraw some of your earnings once or twice a month.

⑯.       This time, you will have a good income here at OnBux. Good LUCK!

OnBux 出糧紀錄

請 Click 以下 Banner 往 OnBux 註冊:

以下是我的 OnBux 出糧紀錄 (累積出糧額 = USD$ 74.31):

OnBux 第 1 次出糧 USD$ 2.12

Onbux 第 2 次出糧 USD$ 10.18

Onbux 第 3 次出糧 USD$ 21.88

Onbux 第 4 次出糧 USD$ 40.13